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r2ok ! - a website dedicated to British pre-pop popular musicfounded August 2005
What is r2ok ?
r2ok! was in 2005 originally a support site for the older style BBC Radio 2, a group created because there were changes to the BBC Radio 2 schedule which ignored the station's remit which then required: - its music output "should include musical genres that do not normally receive wide exposure" - it should "broadcast a broader range of music than any other major UK radio station" r2ok! urged Radio 2 to improve their current schedule by broadening the music content to ensure they offer music to every UK listener. Since 2009, there have been many changes to 'specialist music shows' at BBC Radio 2, which involved no consultation with listeners. The result is that there are now no radio programmes in the BBC schedule which cater for fans of pre-pop popular music, music before 1945.
These r2ok website pages in the main now focus on pre-pop music, mainly on British dance bands and entertainers from 1910-1950. And the starting page for all that is The Welcome page. My preferred email address is now vintage@r2ok.co.uk NOTE: So please note, this website is now not just about BBC Radio 2 - most of the original r2ok pages are still here for archive reference, see the links in the right hand column
Acknowledgements: - for inspiration thanks go to Mark Sealey and the FoR3 group, Friends of Radio 3, who relentlessly urge BBC Radio 3 to revert to a mainly core-classical music output at their station. Visit FoR3 at FoR3 - Friends of Radio 3 - a serious music and arts station
this page first published 20 August 2005
last updated 21 November 2016
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